Narrative in advertising: blog task
Nike has received critical acclaim for its February 2018 advert ‘Nothing beats a Londoner’. Embed the advert in your blog and answer the following questions:
1) How does the advert use narrative? Apply at least three narrative theories to the text, making specific reference to specific shots or key scenes in the advert.
t uses Propp's theory of familiar character types portraying each person in the trailer to be a hero and all have their own goal which shows why there dream is harder then others because of the problems they have to deal with, making it relateable for viewers.
2) Read this BBC feature on some of the people in the advert. How does the advert use celebrities and less well-known people to create stories in the advert?
Using normal people and celebrities within a narrative style advert makes the narrative within the narrative more believable and realistic which will attract viewers. The more coverage it gets the more talked about the advert is. Having celebrities and less well known people in the advert makes it seem inspirational as they are all in the same place which shows that the less known people can also make it to the top like the celebrities they appear next to.
3) Read this AdWeek feature and interview on the Nike London advert. How did the advert use technical codes (camerawork, mise-en-scene, editing etc.) to help create narratives that could connect with the audience?
4) What representation of London does the advert offer?
The advert makes London seem much closer together with a sense of community through the way everyone is connected. This is emphasised through the way that celebrities are placed nearby and close to the normal people living 'normal' lives alongside other people. 5) Why might this advert appeal to an audience?
This would appeal to an audience because there is something relate able in each scene for most viewers, especially in London. The struggle they go through for training may be relate able just as much as the settings in a barbershop or chicken shop. This makes Nike seem more diverse and down to earth which would appeal to people.
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