Read this extract from Media, Gender and Identity by David Gauntlett . This is another university-level piece of academic writing so it will be challenging - but there are some fascinating ideas here regarding the changing representation of men and women in the media. If you can't access David Gauntlett's website, the text is also available here . 1 ) What examples does Gauntlett provide of the "decline of tradition"? How can we link our advertising CSPs (Score hair cream and Maybelline 'That Boss Life') to this idea? Gauntlett states that 20 to 30 years ago, mainstream media was alot more traditional and to reinforce this they "was a backwards-looking force, resistant to social change and trying to push people back into traditional categories". This can be linked to the Score hair cream advert as we could see how the advert reinforced traditional stereotypes of women serving men. However, he also states that things change over time as nowadays...
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